Missed our first round of assesments? Attend this make-up session at Presidio Baseball Field on February 8th for spring. Assessments are not required for tee-ball but are required for all other divisions.
Assessments will take place at Presidio Baseball Field on February 1st for the spring season. Assessments are not required for tee-ball but are required for all other divisions.
We're hosting a parents meeting at our new sponsor Coronado Brewing! This is your opportunity to connect, share your voice, and help make next season more competitive and fulfilling for all our young athletes.
Spring registration is now open. Get ready for a new season of fun!
For CAPS, Minors, and Intermediates (Tee Ball does not need to do assessments). Meet on the minors field at 1PM for CAPS and 2PM for Minors & Intermediates.
If you are interested in Managing or Assisting a Manager with a team this Spring Season reach out to info@presidiolittleleague.com
Play in the parents Thanksgiving Throwdown Tournament on Sunday November 26th..
Register early for our 2023 season to ensure your place kids place on our teams.
Mark your calendars because baseball season is oficially here next Saturday.
We count on the support of individuals and businesses in our community to help us provide the best experience possible for our kids.
We are coming up on our first registration deadline for next season and have a special offer for you! Sign up before July 29th and get four free tickets to the Padres vs. Rockies game on August 1st at 6:40 in Petco Park. Regis...
Our Spring 2022 Season is underway! Follow our 2022 Spring Season on Facebook and Instagram
Free tips for your Little League player.
Create your account now and start using the new Presidio LL site.
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P.O. Box 80164 San Diego, California 92138
Email: info@presidiolittleleague.com